Unwinding Adversity

Adversity–extreme hardship or challenge–has various forms. In this post, we’ll be focusing on emotional adversity. One may be struggling with self-image, trauma, or emotional exhaustion. Of course, adversity looks different for everyone, so we should never compare our own situations with others with the intention of criticizing ourselves or others.

Since adversity is sometimes uncontrollable and inevitable, we are not always able to remedy the causes. But we shouldn’t be discouraged either way. It’s important to learn what we can do now to overcome the challenge at hand.

1. Have a Positive Support System

Supportive friends, family members, and colleagues can be an immense help in times of distress or despondency. Strive to surround yourself with people who express genuine encouragement and give you feedback when you need it. Just make sure to give back or initiate support for someone else too!

2. Identify Your Passion and Motivation

What purpose is behind most of the things you do? Is it related to work, family or school? What has kept you going, regardless of whether you were in the mood to do it or not, in the past? Recognizing your drive or redefining your passion provides a clearer direction that you can move in, motivating you to pursue it despite obstacles along the way. Remain focused on and aware of what your goals and desires are!

3. Meditate & Reflect

Take five or ten minutes to reflect on what has happened already, how you are feeling, and what you think you need to overcome this challenge. I find mindfulness meditation very helpful when I am feeling confused or stressed and need to unwind. It lowers my heart rate, helps me ground my thoughts, and stay in the present.

Guess what…you are actually actively reflecting right now! The fact that you are here now, reading this, means that you value your own well-being enough to seek change that will help you “unwind adversity”—decipher and confront a problem in ways that will allow you to overcome it. Keep it up!

Most importantly, trust yourself, your abilities, and potential in the process. Resilience builds from within, meaning that you will likely see progress when your mindset is adjusted to support your goals.

The negativity, problem, or adversity you are enduring

for whatever reason

will pass like an uncertain, chilling

but awakening wind.

And when that wind inevitably returns in an attempt to make you lose balance,

it will become a breeze, upon being confronted by firmness of purpose and character.


Your emotions are valid