About Your Mental Self-Care

Here, you will find weekly blog and awareness posts that share a common purpose of urging you to prioritize your mental health. They aim to uplift your emotions, encourage you to embrace positivity, or help you cope with a difficult situation even if in the slightest way.

If you take anything away from reading these posts, it should ultimately be the importance of valuing your own well-being. I hope to offer you ways that you can understand and achieve this. Every post will have an original cover design made by the creator that matches with the topic discussed in the post. The purpose of each colorful design is to allow the message to resonate more with you.

Your Mental Self-Care launched its website on March 19th, 2022, after deciding to go beyond spreading mental health awareness on its Instagram page, which is still updated in addition to yourmentalselfcare.com.

Meet the creator

Hello everyone!

My name is Leanne. I started Your Mental Self Care in September of 2021, during my junior year of high school. I was beginning to feel the emotionally damaging effects of my rigorous academic routine that year as well as from the previous school year. For the entire year, I felt immense stress and pressure to perform well in school, which I am sure every passionate and hardworking student can relate to. I used the grades I received as a measurement of my abilities, confidence, and self-worth. At the same time, anxieties surrounding daily occurrences like feeling obligated to constantly maintain a fun conversation occupied my mind. On some days I’d experience gloom or an unwillingness to do anything. Grades weren’t the only apparent reason behind this though. An odd and unmatched emptiness began to fill me at unpredictable moments and speeds. This new feeling began dictating my thoughts—though I wasn’t going to let it. I realized that I needed to regain control of them and reshape my mindset. I didn’t want to lose passion, happiness, nor myself. The cost of succumbing to those negative emotions was too great to ignore, so I gradually tried to challenge them.

But how?

In the age of the internet and social media, one of my instincts was to find helpful resources there. Although Instagram is oftentimes perceived as a threat to our mental health primarily due to the reputation it has acquired for causing one to compare themselves to what they see and in turn, become self-critical, it undoubtedly has an opposite side. I discovered an entire community of individuals who share creative ideas and stories to break the stigma around mental health as well as provide affirmations to anyone that came across their page, which includes me. This may sound somewhat difficult to believe, but even a simple phrase as “It is okay to not be okay” was able to reduce my feelings of being alone with my struggles. Their commitment towards providing comfort and relief to a person who they have no personal connection to was admirable and inspiring. I was so grateful for those who contributed to the positive and uplifting environment that I felt embraced by. Being an online community didn’t make it any less meaningful. The purpose of each post was very compelling to me, as I felt the benefits that it had on my emotional state. Therefore, I felt a strong gravitation towards achieving that same purpose, that is spreading mental health awareness in order to promote the well-being of an entire community.

I createdYour Mental Self-Care as an Instagram page to begin with. Then, to my surprise and appreciation, received unwavering support and encouragement from many viewers and mutual platforms. After a while, I knew that regardless of the amount of attention that my content was receiving, I was determined to further the goals of Your Mental Self-Care through launching a website that would help increase its accessibility to anyone who may seek reassurance in a challenging chapter of their lives.

A calm ocean that embodies hope and tranquility.

Credit to Unsplash photography.

Fortunately, mental health has been a popular topic of discussion in recent years. As a result, information that I discuss in my posts can be found on the web. I believe that inspiration is important and promotes growth within the community.

All designs are made with Canva. Both visual and written information are original and belong toYour Mental Self-Care.