Self-Love is NOT Dangerous


At first glance, the term ‘self-love’ may be equated with being narcissistic, self-absorbed, selfish, or simply have a negative connotation to it. The reason for this is often because we are not entirely uncomfortable with being so positive towards ourselves or do not value our own well being enough.

We all have people that we love and care for in our lives, but when it comes to treating ourselves the same way, it feels different. However, it would be extremely beneficial towards all aspects of our lives if we become accustomed to treating ourselves nicely.

The problem can be that we all have an inner critic, meaning a voice or thought inside of us that judges our behaviors and actions from the past and present, no matter the reality. It is often harsh, too, which can thus transform into self-criticism. This makes it more difficult for you to be kind to yourself.

If, at any time, you believe you shouldn’t be kind to yourself, challenge it. Identifying the underlying causes of your reluctance or discomfort to practice self-love will help you to think of ways to change your perspective or tackle an issue.

Overall, it is so important that we relinquish our negative sentiments towards self-love, if any, and learn to value, care about, and appreciate ourselves. Especially our health and happiness.

“Love yourself and the rest will follow.”



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