Rule your day

So often we let the situations and the people in our lives rule our day.

We give them the power to control our mood, motivations, self-image, relationships, and happiness.

We might not be aware of this act of ‘giving’ our powers away though. Unfortunately, certain circumstances might force us to make concessions that could have a negative effect on us. If this happens, regaining control of ourselves, our thoughts, our actions, and views is crucial to maintaining our well-being.

Whether we are conscious of a loss of control of our own situation and emotions or not, one act to follow is clear: Rule. your. day. Don’t let the obstacles you encounter, such as negative peers, take this power away from you.

If someone tells you that you’re “not good enough,” “not worthy,” “not smart enough,” “not pretty enough,” then they have, almost always, demonstrated their own insecurities to you. That person can also be arrogant or self-centered. Either way, they are attempting to change you by altering your perception of yourself.

Every aspect of you is important. You are important. To you. To your family, friends, and others that love and care about you.

No one can tell you otherwise.

Each of your ideas, thoughts, and opinions are valid. Anything or anyone who tries to invalidate or sway them without reasonably and sincerely discussing them with you, is also trying to rule them, and you.

It’s imperative that we regain control of our own perspectives and respect ourselves.

If you choose to rule your day, then others will too, including negative individuals. Therefore, we cannot stop them from using their harmful words and actions against us. However, we can prevent them from influencing how we view ourselves, our values, and our self-worth by learning to trust ourselves and simply ignoring hateful comments that we don’t need to hear. There may be times where speaking up against them is necessary (This is for you to gauge and whether the outcome was desired or not, you at least tried, which is the only way you will learn and grow stronger!).

The key is to surround yourself with people who you are comfortable being with. People who respect you, your voice and your ideas and make you feel loved and welcomed.

Don’t let other people and obstacles succeed in making your day less better than it should be, or worse, ruin it. They have no authority nor the right to overbear you with behavior that is toxic or damaging to your health.

Don’t let failure and obstacles discourage you either. You might’ve heard this many times already, but without failure, there is no progress. Without falling, you will have nowhere to rise from. Each time you fail, you are given an opportunity to succeed. But only if you are willing to hold onto your determination, passion, and hard work.

Your top priority should be to protect your well-being and the things you care about, which aren’t always tangible, like your feelings. You need to fully trust yourself in order to grasp the power of creating your own happiness, fulfillment, and making choices that allow you to become the person you strive to be.

You ‘measure’ your own happiness, passion, and emotions. You are your own ‘ruler.’


Relationship between the processes we undertake and their results


Choose a positive affirmation