Choose a positive affirmation

Below are six different positive affirmations for you to choose from today!

The theme for this month’s affirmations are flowers.

Flowers can have so many different meanings, which makes them perfect for representing various conditions, feelings, and more.

Each affirmation is matched with a flower. This way, they will resonate with you more, and you won’t easily forget to truly follow the affirmation that you chose!

Whether you choose the affirmation based on how you’ve been feeling lately, situations in your life, or if there was simply a specific flower that appealed to you, it always serves the purpose of uplifting your mood and encouraging you to appreciate yourself more.

Affirmations and the meaning of each flower:

  • “I am enough.” The color pink has various symbolic meanings, so here it can convey inner peace, tenderness, charm, passion, understanding, and more.

  • “I deserve to be happy.”—Daisies represent joy, hope, new beginnings, fun, positive energy, and more.

  • “My possibilities are endless.” —The color purple can convey inspiration, encouragement, spirituality, and more. If we don’t allow others to stop us, then we shouldn’t let ourselves do the same.

  • “I am beautiful.”—Overall, flowers symbolize beauty, life, elegance, and more.

  • “There is no limit to which I can grow.”—Allow yourself to bloom into the best version of yourself once you remove any barriers.

  • “I deserve love.” —A rose to represent admiration, passion, courage, power, and more.

A few positive statements can accomplish so much more than you think. Hopefully these affirmations have given you some strength and provided you comfort, even if it only lasted while you were reading them.

Consistency is key, so repeating these affirmations to yourself (I recommend daily) in order to become closer to fully embracing them.


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