International Women’s Day


This month, take time to appreciate the contributions that the women in your life have made.

Happy International Women's Day!

Today, we are celebrating the achievements and efforts of women all over the globe for their empowerment of others around them and the progress towards gender equality that they’ve helped communities make.

Every woman plays an important, meaningful role in the lives of their family, friends, and community. women continue to create positive change that help other women feel equal and deserving. On a larger scale, equality ensures that individuals, regardless of their gender, can have the same and fair opportunities in society at reaching their own goals. Therefore, we must all support efforts that increase gender equality worldwide.

This begins from spreading awareness within a community, such as by educating other people about the importance of equality to the health of women and those who surround them, or speaking up against any form of exclusion of women that you see.

Lastly, to any woman reading this:
You are strong.
You are brave.
You are empowering.
You are beautiful.
You are inspirational.
And so much more.


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