Making mental health a priority.

Featured Posts

  • Toxic productivity harms our well-being

    Toxic productivity describes a harmful mindset in which one believes that they must always be ‘doing’ something, or be productive. Otherwise, they often experience guilt for not constantly striving for achievement. As a result, they may avoid taking necessary breaks that are needed to help relax their minds and cope with stress.

  • What Food Freedom Looks Like

    In raising awareness for National Eating Disorder Week, it is important to understand why we need to heal our relationship with food by rejecting diet culture. Continue reading to enlarge the infographic!

  • Ways that you can find happiness

    Being happy is incredibly beneficial towards our mental health, allowing us to enjoy the many moments in our life. There are so many ways that you can achieve this.

My Goal

is to emphasize the importance of preserving one’s emotional well-being through spreading awareness about mental health. I focus on sharing ways to cope with inevitably difficult times in our lives, providing reassurance, and promoting self-love and positivity.

calmness, peace, self-love, happiness, & healing.

About the Creator

“Hello everyone! My name is Leanne. I started Your Mental Self Care……”

“Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place.”

— Unknown