Bee yourself

Bee kind. 









In case you were wondering, I did intentionally spell ‘be’ as ‘bee’ because I just love making analogies, especially with nature, as it makes a message incredibly vivid.

Nature is around us everywhere, so this also serves as a reminder to appreciate the environment surrounding us and all the wonderful forms of life that are sheltered by it.


Bees make their own honey, which they consume. Bees represent hard work and diligence. Different organisms in nature, regardless of their size, convey a unique and inspiring message. It all depends on whether we are aware and are willing to accept the lessons they tell.

In a similar way to how bees strive to produce their own honey that provides them the energy they need daily, you should try your best to create your own joy and passion that drives you forward everyday. 

Enduring sweetness in our life is ultimately defined and created by ourselves.

You are in control of your thoughts and actions.

This is why you must always “bee yourself” (be yourself). Your true self. The more we embrace our authenticity, the more likely we will remain content and motivated with ourselves and our lives.

Part of being yourself means that your actions reflect your true beliefs and opinions. It shouldn’t be harmful to let other people’s opinions influence your own from time to time, but you should know when and where to draw the line. Believe and do what feels right for you in the right situation: what’s healthy for you and not harmful towards others.

You don’t need to pretend to be someone else. Your personality should not be a copy of someone else’s. I mean, imagine if every person you interact with has the exact same opinions, experiences, and behavior? Imagine having a conversation with them; How boring would that be? I can assure you that it would be extremely uninteresting. 

Remember: you are literally you! Never try to change yourself to become another person you were not meant to be.  

You (yes you) are unique and wonderful exactly the way you are. 


Positive Affirmations ♡


How to stay happy and positive!